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Who we Help

Aspirers wanting to create wealth through enterprise

Access proven resources for business success!

Discover how hibretOne can transform your ideas into reality.

How we Help

Evidence-led resources & tools to build enterprise success

Business Builder
Funding Builder
Resources Builder
Career Builder
Ecosystem Connect
Industry Intelligence
Problem Triage
Grant Finder
Grant Writer
Scholarships & Bursaries
Free Courses
Mentor Masterclasses
R&D Tax Calculator
Business Builder
Funding Builder
Resources Builder
Career Builder
Ecosystem Connect
Industry Intelligence
Problem Triage
Grant Finder
Grant Writer
Scholarships & Bursaries
Free Courses
Mentor Masterclasses
R&D Tax Calculator
Business Builder
Funding Builder
Resources Builder
Career Builder
Ecosystem Connect
Industry Intelligence
Problem Triage
Grant Finder
Grant Writer
Scholarships & Bursaries
Free Courses
Mentor Masterclasses
R&D Tax Calculator

Delivering Economic, Social and Moral impact


Entrepreneurship is multifaceted - job creation, innovation, economic growth, wealth creation, tax revenue, diversity. A thriving entrepreneurial environment is often seen as a key driver of economic prosperity and societal progress.


Entrepreneurship goes beyond economic impact. The potential to drive positive social change, address societal challenges, and contribute to the overall well-being of communities. Creating jobs which contribute to reducing unemployment rates and improving the economic well-being of communities.


Entrepreneurship involves leadership grounded in ethical principles. Many successful entrepreneurs engage in philanthropy and charitable activities, using their wealth and influence to address issues contributing to the society’s welfare. Valuing diversity and inclusion in more equitable and just societies.

Opportunities for entrepreneurs, at all stages of growth


Making entrepreneurship inclusive

Removing barriers for the underrepresented, the overlooked and the missing entrepreneurs.‘Up to £250 billion of new value could be added to the UK economy if women started


Career pathways into better-paid jobs

Creating higher-skilled employment opportunities for low-paid and unsuccessful entrepreneurs.‘Average self-employed female worker would earn just over 76% more


Improving startup success

Creating higher-skilled employment opportunities for low-paid and unsuccessful entrepreneurs.‘80% of cooperatives are still trading after


Partnership and revenue opportunities

Creating startup and scale up B2B  social capital connections in a safe space.‘80% of corporates believe that startups can have a positive impact on a large company’s approach to


Trusted feedback from the aspirers and the ecosystem


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